Posted on
August 10, 2010
4:13 am
share your thoughts here!
Posted on
August 10, 2010
4:14 am
There's no one authoritative voice on that, I'm afraid...there are manydebt gurus, though...
Posted on
August 10, 2010
4:15 am
principles of debt elimination, depends on the debt type.
Posted on
August 10, 2010
4:16 am
Can anybody enumerate, the principles of debt elimination for unsecured debts? What do the gurus say?
Posted on
November 27, 2010
12:55 am
Follow this: 1)Start living on cash 2)Make a monthly budget and stick to it 3) make wealth.
Posted on
February 21, 2011
10:59 pm
There are a lot of abiding principles for getting out of debt.Without adopting these steps,financial freedom becomes much,much more difficult.1.Know Where You Stand.2.Know Where You want to Be.3.Be Realistic–Don’t Bully Yourself.4.Accept Help—But Don’t “Expect” It.5.Just Be Creative.These five principles can all be summarized in one word: “choice”.Whether you are in debt or are financially free is ultimately up to you, no matter how difficult your predicament may be.
Posted on
March 9, 2011
1:56 am
Great advice, Nathan. Another excellent technique for lowering debt, while building credit and assets is mortgage reduction. By applying a small, extra amount of money each month to your mortgage principle, you will reduce the loan amount more rapidly, and the value of your biggest asset will also increase more quickly. Note, it's always best to do this yourself, rather than joining a bi-weekly payment plan that lenders love to promote. Just be disciplined, and try to add one month's payment to your principle loan amount by the end of the year.
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